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Group Members

  • Mary Michaels

  • Gabe Harper

  • Matthew Rappillard

  • Kyle Kovacs

  • Yanli Zhao

  • Panry Chi 

Favorable Conditions

   The first location we decided that displayed comfortable human conditions was the large Laurel Oak on the corner of Lumpkin and Broad. The canopy spread produces large amounts of shade in a fairly sunny location. The 74" caliper tree was situated on the perimeter of a large grass lawn where the air was cooler than other spaces along Lumpkin. It provided screening, both visual and sound, from the busy intersection. 

   When we did our initial walkthrough at 9 a.m., the air temperature was 74 degrees with a wind speed of 0 mph. At 4 p.m., the air tempertaure inreased to 93.2 degrees with a wind speed of .44 mph. The ground temperature increased from 77 degrees to 119. In order to increase the comfortability, one could add more vegetation to reduce the heat increase. However, the turf area directly underneath the tree was considerably cooler than the concrete.

   The second area we believe to be comfortable is the North portion of Herty Drive. The fountain helps cool the air, aiding in the heightened comfortability of the area. The shaded areas of Herty Drive are cooler than those with direct sunlight. With buildings buffering the water oaks along Herty Field, this area has been utilized as a comfort space. There are benches throughout and spaces for individuals to meet and take part in various outdoor activities. To make this area cooler, one can add a strip of grass to decrease the radiant temperature in this area. To increase the temperature, one could add a concrete or brick seat wall where the sun would absorb more heat creating an increased radiant temperature. 


Unfavorable Conditions

   On our walk, there were a few spaces that we consider to be uncomfortable and unfavorable. The stretch of land we walked along Lumpkin was consistently uncomfortable. We were sandwiched between hardscaped walls, sidewalk, and busy traffic. The afternoon sun was directly hitting the sidewalk causing it to be considerably warmer. The slight urban heat island effect caused the area to become nearly unbearably warm at 4 pm. The sidewalk was consistently above 95 degrees farenheit during this time. There were no benches for people to sit or covered areas at bus stops. This makes for an unfavorable area for individuals to sit, especially in the afternoon.  

   One example of this is a Southern Red Oak that we  came across. When we went in the morning, the surface temp was 74 degrees, the air temperature was 76.1, and the humidity was 69.5%. At 4 pm, the surface temperature was 112 degrees, the air temperature was 99 degrees, and the humidity was 30%. Even at 8:30 a.m., this area was already warmer than those with larger amounts of groundcover. 

   Pincipal Trees 

   The more mature trees that provide more shade cause the afternoon tempertatures to decrease. The more vegetations, the cooler the temperature readings were. For example, at 4 pm, the air temperature reaidng on Lumpkin street was consistently over 97 degrees. However, at the same time of day, the readings on north campus in the vegetated areas were between 91 and 95 degrees.  


   In conclusion, our group found that areas with higher percentages of vegetation, whether it be trees or groundcover, were far more comfortable and favorable than the areas with larger amounts of hardscape. The paved areas seemed louder, warmer, and more sterile than the landscaped. We noticed that areas with more trees and groundcover had more benches for individuals to rest and enjoy the outdoors. 

   Though this area is located on Lumpkin street, we want to highlight the corner of Baldwin and Lumpkin as a problem site alone. The juvenile Water Oak provides little shade and nearly no noise buffering. During class hours, this intersection is filled with noisy students, cars, and busses. It also has direct afternoon sunlight causing this concrete-filled location to be excessivley hot. 

   This 6" diameter tree is located in direct sunight. In the morning, the air temperature was 75.74 degrees, the surface temperature was 76 degrees, and there was a 67.5% humidity level. In the afternoon, then air temperature was 98.1 degrees, the surface temperature was 103 degrees, and the humidity was 32.5%. 


North Campus Microclimate


Group Members

  • Mary Michaels

  • Gabe Harper

  • Matthew Rappillard

  • Kyle Kovacs

  • Yanli Zhao

  • Panry Chi 

Favorable Conditions

   The first location we decided that displayed comfortable human conditions was the large Laurel Oak on the corner of Lumpkin and Broad. The canopy spread produces large amounts of shade in a fairly sunny location. The 74" caliper tree was situated on the perimeter of a large grass lawn where the air was cooler than other spaces along Lumpkin. It provided screening, both visual and sound, from the busy intersection. 

   When we did our initial walkthrough at 9 a.m., the air temperature was 74 degrees with a wind speed of 0 mph. At 4 p.m., the air tempertaure inreased to 93.2 degrees with a wind speed of .44 mph. The ground temperature increased from 77 degrees to 119. In order to increase the comfortability, one could add more vegetation to reduce the heat increase. However, the turf area directly underneath the tree was considerably cooler than the concrete.

   The second area we believe to be comfortable is the North portion of Herty Drive. The fountain helps cool the air, aiding in the heightened comfortability of the area. The shaded areas of Herty Drive are cooler than those with direct sunlight. With buildings buffering the water oaks along Herty Field, this area has been utilized as a comfort space. There are benches throughout and spaces for individuals to meet and take part in various outdoor activities. To make this area cooler, one can add a strip of grass to decrease the radiant temperature in this area. To increase the temperature, one could add a concrete or brick seat wall where the sun would absorb more heat creating an increased radiant temperature. 


Unfavorable Conditions

   On our walk, there were a few spaces that we consider to be uncomfortable and unfavorable. The stretch of land we walked along Lumpkin was consistently uncomfortable. We were sandwiched between hardscaped walls, sidewalk, and busy traffic. The afternoon sun was directly hitting the sidewalk causing it to be considerably warmer. The slight urban heat island effect caused the area to become nearly unbearably warm at 4 pm. The sidewalk was consistently above 95 degrees farenheit during this time. There were no benches for people to sit or covered areas at bus stops. This makes for an unfavorable area for individuals to sit, especially in the afternoon.  

   One example of this is a Southern Red Oak that we  came across. When we went in the morning, the surface temp was 74 degrees, the air temperature was 76.1, and the humidity was 69.5%. At 4 pm, the surface temperature was 112 degrees, the air temperature was 99 degrees, and the humidity was 30%. Even at 8:30 a.m., this area was already warmer than those with larger amounts of groundcover. 

Pincipal Trees 

   The more mature trees that provide more shade cause the afternoon tempertatures to decrease. The more vegetations, the cooler the temperature readings were. For example, at 4 pm, the air temperature reaidng on Lumpkin street was consistently over 97 degrees. However, at the same time of day, the readings on north campus in the vegetated areas were between 91 and 95 degrees.  


   In conclusion, our group found that areas with higher percentages of vegetation, whether it be trees or groundcover, were far more comfortable and favorable than the areas with larger amounts of hardscape. The paved areas seemed louder, warmer, and more sterile than the landscaped. We noticed that areas with more trees and groundcover had more benches for individuals to rest and enjoy the outdoors. 

   Though this area is located on Lumpkin street, we want to highlight the corner of Baldwin and Lumpkin as a problem site alone. The juvenile Water Oak provides little shade and nearly no noise buffering. During class hours, this intersection is filled with noisy students, cars, and busses. It also has direct afternoon sunlight causing this concrete-filled location to be excessivley hot. 

   This 6" diameter tree is located in direct sunight. In the morning, the air temperature was 75.74 degrees, the surface temperature was 76 degrees, and there was a 67.5% humidity level. In the afternoon, then air temperature was 98.1 degrees, the surface temperature was 103 degrees, and the humidity was 32.5%. 

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